Thursday, July 16, 2015


Well.. I know I promised an update awhile ago, but since my initial post a lot has been going on for me medically.

I ended up having bi lateral TMJ jaw surgery around the end of February, and then just a week ago today I ended up having my 3rd back surgery.. To say these last few months have been filled with medical issues would be a bit of an understatement.

I still would very much like to really dive into this blog and see what I can do with it, even if it doesn't become a big deal to the rest of the world it's still a big deal to me. It may have originally started out as a simple homework assignment for a technologies class, but I'd really like to see where I can take it from here.

As you can see, I added a fun little (short) video about myself to help explain what Stickler Syndrome is, and to give you all a fresh look at me, so hopefully it's a full new addition to the blog and you all like it. I want to remake the video though, make it more detailed and longer to better explain my life and what I have lived with so that maybe others living with this disorder won't feel so alone.
As I am currently ink recovery from my most recent spinal surgery, it will be awhile till that happens but be on the lookout for some fun changes to this blog...

Until then...

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