Sunday, March 6, 2016

These past few months...

So much has happened since my last blog entry, it's honestly a bit surreal. As I said in my previous entry, I had my 38th surgery back in January; actually I had two surgeries in a two week period for completely different things. 

But in the time since then, I have been lucky enough to accomplish so much! This is my first semester, since going off to college, that I am actually able to have a job. I won't lie and say I'm never in pain or don't come home from the day and am completely sore, but that's just part of the life of living with Sticklers. I am actually feeling so much better about myself and even more proud of myself with everything I have decided to take on this semester along with the fact that this will be my final semester of class before I start my student teaching in the fall. It's crazy how quick everything is going by and that I'm actually feeling pretty healthy at the moment too! But, I'd be lying if I didn't say that I'm honestly waiting for the next shoe to drop... It feels that there is always something happening to me, roughly every 3 months, and I'm getting close to my three month marker so I'm kinda just waiting to see what happens next with me medically, but I'm also praying to God that nothing happens cause I just don't know how I will handle it. Just in my past 5 years of being away at college, I have had about 11 different surgeries... And, ya know what, I can't help but be kinda proud of myself. I didn't quit school, I kept with it, and now I'm graduating!! Truthfully, there were points in my life these past few years that I just didn't think I was gonna make it through this whole college thing, but I'm so glad that I have. Anyone who can prove to themselves and others that they can do what they want in life and succeed with it should be incredibly proud of themselves. I know I am. 


  1. Good to see your new posts! Congrats on graduating soon!! Your positive attitude helps when I am dealing with similar issues - hope all is well!


  2. Hi Courtney my name is jaymie and I'm a 26 year old female with stickers. I have been genetically tested and was found to the COL2A1 mutation (formerly known as type 1). I was curious do you know what mutation you have?
